My Favorite Beach

Fort Funston is the heaven of all places for me. For those who are unfamiliar, it is an OFF LEASH dog beach about an hour from my home in the Bay Area (yep, I'm a Bay Dog). I love the sights, smells, and all the adventures I have there. I thought this might be a good time to tell everyone about it since I've been MIA from my blog.

A place for dogs!

Fort Funston is not your typical dog beach my furry and non furry friends. It starts with a short walk over some sandy trails and some cool trees. I like it because for me, I like hiking, and I like the beach, so for two of these to be combined into one, well I'm one happy pup.

I like to have adventures exploring the trees and foresty areas, but my true joy is down the hill. In order to get to the beach, we go down a hill that I love, but the humans seem to have trouble with. Once there, I am free to chase the ball and waves, which are the only things I really do there.

You might think that I always loved the water, but actually that is not true. I had to learn just like humans do. I have a system in place now for beach adventures: Mom throws my orange chuck it ball, I chase it, catch it, and trot over to the waves and walk around in them, I drop the ball into the water to clean off the sand, and bring it back to my mom to start the process all over again. It's the simple things in life that make me happy.

Bath Time

I wish I could say Fort Funston beach days where filled with nothing but beach time, but no. When we are ready to go home, I fall asleep in the back seat dreaming of my mom's bed (because I do not like to sleep on my own bed). However, I wake up and realize that we are not in fact at home, but at the pet store. I, being a simple happy dog, get excited and think "Oh Boy! Another adventure!",but no, it's bath time.

I try to put the brakes on when we enter the pet store because I know what's coming. But mom is so patience and coaxes me and tells me we'll do it together, I can't help but comply. Once in, I make sure that she's also sitting on the edge of the tub with her legs in the tub so she can get wet with me. I make sure she endures some of the pain she inflicts on me. I am a little ashamed to admit I cry and scream while getting a bath, and use all my majestic German Shepherd strength to make it impossible for mom to bathe me. It's not that I want to be difficult, but any of my dog friends would know, bath time sucks .

Once the ordeal of bath time is done, I do get rewarded with a toy or treat most times, but that does nothing to repair my damaged psyche. I don't make eye contact with mom in the car until we get home, again, my damaged psyche is hurt.

All in all though, I think Fort Funston is an amazing place. I have been to many other beaches in my life on Earth, but none of them compare to Fort Funston.