It's Mom's Birthday Folks!
Hi there! I'm taking the time today to write a very special blog for a very special lady: My momma! She turned 26, and despite her claim that she's old, she's still a young firecracker. I may have cause a few grays to sprout on her head, but I hope she wears them as badges of honor!
I am so proud of her. Not only is she a caring, nurturing, and dedicated mother - she's a loving daughter, and a wonderful partner to her boo thang. I would squeeze her face all day if I had hands!
Birthday Adventure
For her Birthday, we celebrated the weekend before and spent some time in San Francisco. It's not my kind of place - a little crowded. There were however a great many balconies I longed to sit on, and look down at the people below as ants, judging them from on high - Hah! I digress.
The view approaching the Fort Mason festival hall. Looks like my room - messy! Hah!
Let's play a game: Where's Mommo?
We went to the "Renegade Makers Fair" at Fort Mason, and saw a whole bunch of hand-crafted stuff. It was quite the place, far too crowded for me so I watched from the rafters. There were several hedgehog related items I wanted to destroy, but out of respect for Mom, I refrained.
Life is hard, but not with my momma!
We checked out the Walt Disney Museum at the Presidio, and while I wasn't that impressed, it was still fun.
Finally, we came home for a nice dinner with Grandma and Bibi (my GREAT Grandma). There was Mac & Cheese, Sabzi, Garlic Bread, and Cake. I was one stuffed pup! I barely had room for cake, which was chocolate anyway, so i didn't eat any. (Cmon folks I'm a dog! Get me my own desert!)
These dogs, though cute, are simpletons! I've moved passed fetching the ball for hoomans. I throw AND catch now!
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!