An Unexpected Adventure

Hello and Guten-dog my friends! I hope you can bear with me for today's post, as I have been pondering the events of last weekend this week, and would like to share. Last weekend, I joined my Mom and her boo thang on a pre-Valentines day adventure. We had tickets to a San Francisco Bay win tasting cruise, and were excited to spend a couple hours on the water , sipping wine, and watching the sunset. We would even get a tour of the Bay Bridge lights! Mom has been wanting to see them for a while, and today was the day!

Unfortunately, there was a mishap with the cruise people. They cancelled the cruise but did not notify us. To our surprise, waiting at the dock for an hour, we found out it was cancelled. Bummer! We were pretty upset, and mom took it the hardest. She wanted adventure, fun, and excitement (and wine)! It didn't happen.

So, we thought, "Let's go for a drive along the coast!" - and, though Mom was into the idea, she was quite saddened by the disappointing cruise. So, we punched in the GPS, and off we went! A few wrong turns later, we drove by the Bay Bridge and remembered how much we wanted to see the lights.

"Let's park and go check it out!" her companion said, in his attempt to cheer her up. "No, it's fine, lets just go" mom says - made me whimper just hearing it! So, we spotted an open spot, and her companion pulled in. "Don't waste your money on parking, it's fine" mom said - STOP MAKING ME SAD MOM! LET'S GO!

Looking at the parking meter, we realized - 1 hour of paid time was left! It was a sign, we NEED TO GO. LET'S DO IT!

And, off we went. Walking along the Embarcadero, we watched the cars go by, as the Bay Bridge lights glinted in the distance. Below the bridge, we posed for pictures, and took in the display. It was beautiful, and Mom finally cheered up.

On our way back to the car, her companion snapped this photo, and it got me thinking... What a beautiful place to be. The people were happy, the city alive, everything exactly where it needed to be in that moment. We salvaged the bad day, and made it something worth remembering. All because of a few wrong turns.

Shout out to whoever over-payed for parking, you the real MVP.